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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Joe Gande-A Rockstar and Super Gent

I recently recieved a new review/testimonial so to speak from a wonderful woman that was close friends with  John Lennon back in the day. She also worked for him...and with him. Thought I would share it...

I am truly blown away and so humbled by I am by all of the wonderful thought's, comments and messages I have received over time. But this one sure is very special to me...
Please read and tell me your thoughts... 
Thank you, 


I worked with John Lennon....No wonder I felt that touch of soul - Music is the "essence of your soul." I had the wonderful good fortune to not only work with some of the most famous Rock Stars of my generation, but I sing as well. You are to me like Artemis is to the great novels. The beauty of you is not just in your appearance, for I know what it is to be seen as just a face and a body, that misses the mark - for what lay inside is pure Elegance and Brilliance.
Joe is a Professional Rock Singer...
Every now and then IL Destino or Destiny takes a hand, touches a mortal. Right in our midst, even a member of this site is another God Gift to All the Music Lovers, Romantics, Poets, Troubadors of the Heart who is well known but not yet World Known. His name is Joe Gande and you may have seen his picture on one of my blogs. To say he is handsome to die for would be a rather gross understatement, but in reality while that is the icing on the cake, he is soo much more. Listen to his music, he is doing it all! Like John or Mick or even The Boss...but he is also a lover of humanity, women, family, the Artist Personified. Joe is a down to earth, honest soul, good Guy. No one has to sell his talent, just listen to his music. No one has to be convinced of his appeal, honey he is Magic to Watch. Most of all to me, no one has to convince me, after working with the best the world has ever know in this venue, that you all will be hearing from him.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to The Man not the Rising Star, for he is a really good person, and in this world, these times, when he has the same problems of life as you and me, we have a Humble, Handsome, Honorable Gentleman with a Faith in the Impossible, and an eye towards always being true to his music, that is well worth picking up on. So...Ladies and Gentlemen...please join with me in a real welcome to one of the Real People, who just happens to do Extra Ordinary things with his talents, Mr. Joe Gande.
God Bless Us All, you see, Heaven sees and hear everything!
Beauty and Art go hand in hand....
This is a special man, not too many left. We know them when we meet them, so give him your hand and be loving we all are One Humanity.
Take the music...and then sing with your whole being for YOU are the Song Joe!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Joe Gande

Joe Gande Review by Peter Bright, Window

September 27, 2009


You can't buy class you are born with it. 
Joe Gande has taken the 60's Joe Cocker(esque) style of vocal delivery, together with it's big orchestration, referenced it and made something new out of it. 
If I was pretentious I would be tempted to say that there is something almost Post Modernist about his songs - but that would be silly.

Read the review below by Jacky, it makes more sense…

Joe Gande: un músico apasionado

Alguien me dijo: escucha a Joe Gande y dime qué opinas. Si me pidiera mi opinión en una palabra, le diría sin duda alguna, PASIÓN. Este intenso músico y compositor neoyorquino, le da una nueva definición a la palabra pasión en cada una de sus canciones.

Con una voz potente que llama la atención por su intensidad y garra para arrancar las notas de sus cuerdas vocales, resulta angustiantemente indescriptible pero imprime en sus notas toneladas de sensaciones intensas que provocan dejar de lado lo que sea que se esté haciendo, para adentrarse en su mundo de sonidos y armonías.

Joe Gande funde en sus canciones el intenso sentimiento del blues con la pasión del rock, creando así un sonido único, electrizante, enajenante y perturbadoramente orgánico, fresco; desafiando todo modo de hacer música rock, a pesar de que tiene un aroma ligero a rock antiguo.

Muestra además, su sensibilidad, pues expresa con evidente honestidad, su amor por la vida. Escucharlo, te arrastra inevitablemente a sumergirte en un mundo místico de fuerza y pasión, a través del cuál puedes disfrutar de un caudal interminable de sensaciones intensas filtrándose a tus sentidos.

English Translation:
Someone told me: Listen to Joe Gande and tell me what you think. If I were asked my opinion in one word, I would say without a doubt, PASSION. This intense musician and composer from New York, gives new definition to the word passion in each of his songs.

The strong voice is striking in its intensity, it claws, plucking the notes of his vocal cords, but it is distressing beyond description, causing intense feelings inside, whatever you are doing, you enter into its world of sounds and harmonies.

Joe Gande melts in his songs the intense feeling of the blues with the passion of rock, creating a unique sound, electrifying, disturbingly alien and organic, fresh; challenging the way to make rock music, although it still has a light fragrance of old rock. Also showing sensitivity, expressed with apparent honesty, his love life; listen, immerse yourself in a mystical world of strength and passion, through which you can enjoy an endless flow of intense feelings percolating your senses.

Read the original review post here...
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