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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Joe Gande Listed in Billboard charts of top 25 Fandalism Musicians!

Just found out the awesome news!
I was listed in the Billboard charts of top 25 Fandalism musicians!
I made it in at #20...
Thank you Fandalism, Billboard and especially all of you that have listened, watched, followed, propped, shared etc, etc!!:)
Check out the article and leave a comment if you'd like here...
This is an awesome website everyone...great for discovering awesome music and for supporting eachother and for connecting with other musicians..I've recently met some great new friends on the site...
If you're a musician..definitely check out the website and post your music, videos and photos!!
Thank you all so much for your love, friendship and support!:)
 Please leave a comment...share your thoughts and ideas..."Like", "Tweet"  +1 and share...and remember to follow or subscribe here to my blog to keep in touch and to stay updated on happenings....thank you!:)
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