I am very surprised, humbled and honored to be the proud recipient of an Official BETTY Award from the wonderful Author/Reviewer/Celebrity Interviewer/Blogger/Journalist Betty Dravis!
Please visit Betty's website and check out her work, her books and all of the awards and awesome winners & leave your comments & share!
Read more about award winning, best selling author Betty Dravis here....
Thank you,
From Betty....
"Hi, dear Joe, Congratulations! YOU won a BETTY AWARD in the musical section. Check it out on my website and then share with all your friends. I will appreciate your Tweeting it from the site and leaving a comment, if you have time. Several of your fave entertainers received Bettys also. Best always, hon! Hugs - Betty"
"Joe, I don't know you in person, but our personalities meshed and I have a great fondness for you. In addition to having fantastic stage presence you are musically gifted, my friend. You should hit the heights and soar... Hugs - Betty"
The Award...
Favorite Musician/Singer
Favorite Musician/Singer