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Sunday, April 27, 2014

The sauce is on...a nice glass of wine & antipasto...Saint Pope John Paul's an awesome day!

The sauce is on...a nice glass of wine &'s an awesome day!

I watched the historical and unprecedented, canonization of Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City this morning...and was re-watching it now online....

I got to see him back many years ago in NYC...Once as his motorcade passed by my E61st St apt as they were coming off the Queensborough bridge...and also in Central Park as he visited and held Mass....It was an event that was truly awe inspiring....

My Mom has always loved this man as well...and always mentions him and has always prayed to him over the years...His photo is by her bed :)

I bought her a wonderful book about his life as a Christmas Present a few years ago too...which I also I thought I would do this post for those that might enjoy it....

Hope you're all having a beautiful Sunday! Buona Domenica!



Read more about it here ....

Watch the live stream here...