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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Joe Gande Music Tonight on The Cox Music Show!

My music will be aired tonight along with some awesome musical artists on the Cox Music Show!

A huge thank you to Allen Cox for including my tunes on the show!

Please check it out...

Cox Music Show 43 
Part II of our Season III Premier!
Program posts at 8PM EST USA
Thursday Sept. 27-Oct 11 
Indie Multi Genre Music Program
Hosted by Musician and Founder of Cox Music-

Allen Cox
Listen, comment and join in chat....



Please leave a comment...share your thoughts and ideas..."Like", "Tweet"  +1 and share...and remember to follow or subscribe to my blog  on  Posterous or on Blogspot  to keep in touch and to stay updated on happenings....thank you!:)

 My Music...

Show your support...Pick up a high quality digital download of my CD..."The Godsend Sessions"...


1 comment:

  1. This is so cool... Hope it brings you a ton of new fans, Joe!
