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Friday, March 25, 2011

A little mellow guitar jam to start the day-Hope you enjoy :)

A little mellow guitar jam to start the day-Hope you enjoy :)

Joe Gande - Live - Rehearsal Studio - All I Need is You-Outro...

Now...if only I can find that hat!:)lol An awesome friend of mine made it for me...he gave it me as a present for helping him out with guitars and gear while I was working at Manny's Music on 48th St in NYC...He made all kinds of leather goods and hats and belts  and such for all kinds of musicians and rock stars...I typically do not wear hats very much...but this one was very cool...and reminded me of the one I wore when I played "Oliver Twist" in a school play when I was ten years old!:) I'll save that story for another blog post!:)LOL


Rock Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist Joe Gande Live performance video black and white film clips of the song "Hang Around With You"...from the upcoming and in the studio footage, rehearsal antics, personal interviews and more....coming soon!

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Have an awesome weekend!




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