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Tuesday, December 18, 2012 Holiday Contest! Need your votes!:)

Hi everybody,
As many of you may know..I am entered in the Holiday Contest...
I can really use your support in the form of a vote for this....
I am currently in 8th place...which is not so bad...but I am way behind in votes to win.....
Voting Closes 11:59 PM PST, Thursday, January 3rd

I posted about this on Facebook a few weeks ago... a question to you all whether I should enter or not, taking into consideration the busy time of year and not wanting to bother you all with voting but after so many great comments of support...It was a unanimous yes and I entered...a little late...but better late then never! :)
I added my videos and a lot of personal favorites and also my favorite Christmas/Holiday videos, tv shows and songs, etc....from Dean Martin and Frank Pavarotti, Charlie Brown and The Beatles! :) lol 

About is an awesome place where anyone can make there own TV channel/station/playlist!!
It's live running 24/7!
You can choose from Youtube vids and/or add live webcam also for performance and skits etc...etc...
The owners, Sam and Tammy are awesome and so very kind...and very supportive and helpful too!!
You can follow them on Twitter here:

How to vote:
Just click the linkand login/accept the app through your Facebook...
The page will then load and then you vote by clicking on the big red "Vote For This Channel" button on the upper right hand side....
The page will then reload/refresh..and you can then watch....and leave comments in the chat box.
Other features:
You can also click the "I'm a Fan" button on the upper right side as well if you'd like..
And now there is also a new feature called ibucks....see the box....

Link to Vote: ( It's better if you're already logged in to Facebook to do this)

Voting Closes 11:59 PM PST, Thursday, January 3rd
So cast your vote today!!:)

Thank you all so much for tuning in and voting!!
I really appreciate it!
Hope you enjoy!!!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday Season!! Buon Natale a tutti!!!
Love, Joe

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