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Sunday, December 16, 2012

We are mourning...

I watched the Vigil for the Newtown, CT tragedy tonight….
It was very sad...
The world is mourning....
It was very powerful...
One can gain so much through, listening, watching, learning, understanding....
So many different thought provoking messages come from times like these...
My thoughts...
 Through these trying, grievous, difficult times… and as it should be through ALL times…
No matter who you are, what you look like, where you come from, what your name is, what beliefs you may have, what language you speak, what faith, what religion or what no religion, what politics, what social status, or what race, or color you may be…we stand together….
We are one…ONE human being, ONE town, ONE community, ONE state, ONE country, ONE world, ONE planet, ONE universe… A FAMILY….Together…
With love, respect, compassion and understanding for all….
 Joe Gande


  1. Simply beautiful, Joe. You are a man with a lovely heart.

  2. Beautiful...and so true! Such a tragedy to hear of these incidents. It really saddens my heart. I hope one day the world will finally realize what you have written here... we are ONE!
