It's been a tough week personally for me...yet through it all...such a great week in many ways, on so many levels when it comes to my music...
One of the things I really dig about this business and the whole "online" being able to connect with so many wonderful "like-minded" people from around the world....I have been so lucky in this manner and feel blessed to have met so many of you whether it be online or in "real life"....
There are so many dedicated, supportive and selfless people out there that put there time, effort and energy into the listening and promoting and sharing their thoughts about the wide array of independant, self produced, financed and promoted, "unsigned" music available...
and...nothing helps us as an Indie artist more, besides buying our cds and merchandise...than the spreading the word about our music...
Please check out this new profile page for “Joe Gande” on the awesome World United Music!
A huge Thank You to Stewart Brennan for the support and for including me on his website!
Please visit the site, comment on my page and share and take a look around...there is so much to see and of all styles and genres for all tastes....
World United Music 1-
World United Music 2 -
A little about World United Music...
Where to Find World United Music and Connect:
Thank you for reading...
Please leave a comment...share your thoughts and ideas..."Like", "Tweet" +1 and share, etc...etc...
Remember to follow or subscribe to my blog to keep in touch and to stay updated on happenings....thank you!:)